Often, people can be put off by programming because it can be too hard, requires too much persistence - or just is too new and scary. These are all perfectly reasonable things to be put off by, but coding is an amazing and rewarding skill. In this article, I’ll be covering why people shouldn’t be put off by coding.
“It’s too hard”
This is probably the most common excuse on why people don’t want to learn coding. At first, coding can appear hard, certainly. But most things can be hard at first. Learning a language could be hard at first if you don’t know the basics, similarly to riding a bike or learning mathematics. If you don’t know the basics, coding can be hard. Although it may take time and patience - once you get the basics down - it really is a rewarding experience.
“It requires too much persistence”
People mainly use this excuse as they genuinely believe that they cannot pursue anything that requires a lot of time. This simply isn’t true - this stems from a belief of self-doubt that people cannot do something.
For example, imagine that a child liked a video game. They may be completely new at a video game, but continued playing it regardless as that video game was their passion.
Imagine coding like this but rather than this, it is a passion that is developed over time rather than instantaneously. Everyone starts somewhere and if you continuously pursue coding and work at it, you will undeniably get better and better at it.
“It’s too new and scary”
Most skills are going to be new and scary. No one is going to be good at coding overnight - it is something learnt all the time. Although it might sound intimidating, and sound as if it’s only for naturally logic-based thinkers, this simply isn’t true. Why not try one of our courses and see what you’re capable of?
Beginner Friendly Languages
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons
Some languages can be quite hard and off-putting due to the complexity of each respective language. Such examples include C, C++, etc. Some beginner friendly languages include:
Scratch! When you think of a programming language, Scratch may not necessarily be the first thing that comes to mind. However, Scratch is most definitely the beginner-friendly programming language out there, at least when it comes to children. It works on the principles of “block-based programming”, where you may not necessarily be directly writing code, but you’re learning the fundamental logical thinking behind learning code.
Python! Python is recommended as an introductory language for lots of people. The simplified syntax is similar to the English language. This code can also be executed a lot faster.
Javascript! If you’ve ever been interested in web development, we offer a beginner-friendly and welcoming course for Javascript. This is a highly flexible language and would be welcoming for 11 years old onwards.
If you’re interested in any of these languages, we offer a wide range of introductory courses for these languages from the most friendly tutors. If this strikes you and £180 seems too pricey, use code SD-QCNQ-Z87X-SU20 for 20% off!