
3 Computer Science Predictions that Aged Like Milk (and what we can learn from them)

Computer Science Education Week has come around once again and this year, the focus is on the modern applications for computer science that surround us on a day to day basis. For us, that involves every part of life from working to relaxing. But this was not always the case. As little as 80 years ago the impact computers could have on modern life had not been realised.

Nothing illustrates this quite like some incorrect - and funny - quotes from the past.

1) ‘I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.’ - Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

At the time this was said, Watson may have been right! Computers were huge, expensive and required a great deal of expertise to operate. This means that they just weren’t that useful for a whole lot of people.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first fully programmable computer. Built in 1945, it weighed 30 tons and took up a whole room. (Source: Wikipedia)

2) "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons"  - Popular Mechanics Magazine, 1949.

This quote is paraphrased from a section of the magazine that describes how it may be possible to create a computer that can accomplish everything that ENIAC does at one twentieth of the size. This may be impressive for the time, but not since the invention of transistors and circuit boards enabled much smaller devices to be built.

3) "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home" - Ken Olsen, president and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977.

1977 was the year that 3 major personal computers were released; including the Apple II which was a huge success and proved that the computer did belong in the home. Out of all of the quotes shown this one was proven to be incorrect the fastest although you could argue that personal computers were not a staple in the home until the invention of the internet a few years down the line. 


It’s easy for us looking back to see how wrong these quotes ended up being, but it's important to remember that with the information available at the time, these were all perfectly valid viewpoints that many other people shared. Such is the reality of the world we live in, and one day in the not so distant future we’ll find ourselves in a future that no one could possibly have predicted.

These quotes serve as a reminder for us not to focus on what is possible in the modern day, but to look to what may be possible in the future. Instead of limiting yourself to a world where there is ‘a world market for maybe 5 computers’, dare to think what a future with millions of computers may look like.

Why Consider Tutoring?

My Experience With Tutoring

When I was younger, I always wanted a tutor. The approach of 1-to-1 teaching really appealed to me!  I loved the thought of being able to ask as many questions as I wanted, and really ‘broaden my horizons’.

When I was 17, that is exactly what I decided to do. During my A-Levels, I worked a part-time job for pocket money which would go towards maths tutoring for one hour per week. My expectations were indeed correct! My calm, collected and intelligent tutor worked me through any problems I had, any content I wanted to cover and absolutely any questions I had. I had never found something so beneficial, especially because I was always so keen to really solidify the knowledge that I had gained.

Weeks passed, and the lessons quickly stacked up. I was learning comfortably at my own pace unlike in a classroom where I felt a pressure to learn things rather quickly. If I didn’t understand, I felt no judgement. Before this, I had always felt judged if I didn’t understand quickly which would not enable to me to reach my full potential. My tutor would always push me in the right direction which encouraged me to learn more about mathematics in my free-time.

In the end, I secured myself an A-grade in my mathematics A-Level! Although this was thanks to my own hard-work, tutoring certainly helped to contribute to my success as it helped me to solidify my knowledge. Here at Educademy, we’re all keen to deliver the same exact experience to children.

Why Consider Tutoring at Educademy?

  • Practical and Theoretical – we understand that no child learns the same. Therefore, we’ve structured and developed our courses around providing as many fun projects alongside learning the fascinating theories behind Computer Science.

  • Content for the entire year. You won’t have to worry about your child running out of things to do. Our tutors offer content that lasts the entire year whether that be for our Scratch course, Python course or Unity/C# course. We’ll ensure that your child leaves the lesson having learnt something.

  • A unique approach. We understand that learning the secondary school syllabus is certainly important. However, we also offer a view at the world of artificial intelligence and the variety of things it offers. For instance, in one of our Python lessons, we cover what chatbots are, what they were like and how they developed!

  • A comfortable pace. Our tutor will get to know your child and tailor their approach to the child’s benefit. Whether your child has no knowledge or lots of knowledge – we cater for all ability.

I – and every one of our other tutors – want to make sure that your child learns something each and every week.

I know exactly how nerve-wrecking it can be at first when first receiving tuition. You don’t know what to expect, whether it will be bad or good; luckily, Educademy currently offers a FREE trial lesson to give you a small snippet of what’s to come in our courses. Why not come and try?

Feel like you can become a tutor? Have a look at our vacancies and maybe one day you’ll add to the above story…

Author: Sophie Dillon


Celebrating Programmers Day with free Hour of Code

Today is 256th day of the year. Why does it matter? Because 256 is the number of different values you can store in one byte. And because on this day we celebrate coding (programming).


To celebrate Programmers Day and all the children, who would like to become programmers we launch today our Hour of Code initiative. If you are an individual, you can book for your child (completely free) an hour of fantastic coding experience, be it in Scratch, Python or JavaScript. If you represent a school or a local community, please get in touch and we’ll do all we can to help.

Celebrating Girls in Technology - Part Two

A few weeks ago, I made a post on celebrating inspirational female figures within technology. This post is going to be a carry on from that post. There’s clearly a lack of representation within STEM fields, specifically coding, of girls to look up to, so why don’t we take a minute to look at and reflect on the lives of women who’ve contributed to the field of Computer Science?

  1. Jean Bartik


Jean Bartik was born in 1924 in Missouri to a schoolteacher and a farmer. Most of Jean’s family were teachers and so she was destined to enter Northwest Missouri State Teachers College pursuing studies in Mathematics. Jean worked hard throughout her life to go into college as she was only supported by her aunt with $25 a month and also a part-time job in a local bookstore. Despite this, this didn’t stop Jean from applying to the University of Pennsylvania and developing the ENIAC computer!

The ENIAC was the first original general-purpose computer which was able to solve complex calculations. This computer was so complex that Jean and four other girls became programmers for it and learnt how to use subroutines, nested subroutines and other programming techniques. Jean was recognised as an influential figure in 1988 by being introduced in the ‘Women in Technology International Hall of Fame’ and later receiving the ‘Joan S Korenman Award’ for being one of the first computer programmers!

2. Beatrice Worsley

An image of Beatrice Worsley.

An image of Beatrice Worsley.

Beatrice Worsley was the first computer scientist in Canada and gained the first PH.D known in Computer Science. Beatrice was born in 1921 and was homeschooled for her childhood. She was an incredibly intelligent woman and graduated from her high school with awards in science, mathematics and was acknowledged as one of the best students to attend the school. After gaining her academic qualifications, she chose to teach at the University of Toronto and at Queen’s University.

Outside of her achievement in academia, Beatrice is known for having written the first program to ever run on the EDSAC. The EDSAC was a ground-breaking machine which could run 650 instructions per second! Beatrice’s program was a square number program on the EDSAC!

3. Marissa mayer

For a more modern-day example, take Marissa Mayer as your source of inspiration. She formerly held the position of being the former president of Yahoo.

Prior to being the president of Yahoo, Marissa was a Stanford University graduate with an undergraduate degree in Symbolic Systems and postgraduate degree in Computer Science. After graduation, she was offered 14 job offers of where she joined Google in 1999 being the 20th member. She quickly worked her way up the ranks with a keen eye for detail and soon held key roles in all of Google.

In 2012, she became the CEO of Yahoo. She announced her resignation mid 2017 and is now currently pursuing research into artificial intelligence and consumer media.

girls can do it too!

There you have it - key examples of the amazing talent that women have contributed to the field of Computer Science. Here at Educademy, we offer courses and support for girls who want to get into coding but may feel like it’s just directed at boys. I hope that these articles have managed to convince you that this simply isn’t the case. No matter what background or gender your child is - our courses provide support for everyone. So, why not check them out?

Term-time Online Coding Courses for Primary and Secondary School Children From only £10/week Now Availabe

We are delighted to offer term-time live online coding courses in Scratch for primary school children and Python and Unity with C# for teenagers of secondary school age. Prices start as low as £10 per week. And yes - it’s paid weekly and you can cancel at any time.

Free assessment and trial lesson avaliable for all our term-time live online coding courses.

Best Video Games for Kids - Both Educational and Fun

Usually, people have an idea of kids lazing around all day on video games - not learning anything at all. This is so far from the truth!

Video games, while fun to play, can be educational at the same time. In this blog post you’ll discover some fun games which children can try out and learn at the same time for both consoles and mobile devices.

1. ScribbleNauts Mega Pack(Nintendo Switch, Playstation)

An image of the Scribblenauts mega pack video game

An image of the Scribblenauts mega pack video game

ScribbleNauts offers a fun experience with characters called Lily and Maxwell. ScribbleNauts is a fun puzzle solving game where children can use their imagination to solve puzzles – did you know that ScribbleNauts has over 22,000 objects for children to choose from? This will no doubt strengthen their vocabulary, literacy skills and problem-solving ability. Not to mention that children can also play with their favourite DC comic superheroes.

2. Numbala(Nintendo Switch, Apple Appstore, Amazon Appstore, Google Play)

An image of Numbala

An image of Numbala

Numbala was developed based on scientific research at the University of Torún. This game increases children’s understanding of number relations without them even realising. While they’ll be having fun experiencing a sidescrolling shooter, they’ll be learning maths in a visually appealing way.

3. Professor Layton(Nintendo DS/3DS/Switch, Apple Appstore, Google Play)

An image of the Layton Series.

An image of the Layton Series.

If I could recommend any game within this list, this would be it. Professor Layton is a classic Nintendo puzzle-solving game. This brilliant and charming puzzle-game takes place with archaeologist and professor Hershel Layton where you will solve a wide variety of mysteries. Not only does this improve your child’s memory, this also teaches them valuable logic skills through a series of minigames. My personal recommendation would be Professor Layton and the Azlan Legacy.

4. Drawn To Life(Nintendo DS/Wii, Apple Appstore)

An image of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

An image of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

Creativity is a very important skill for children to have, and this game certainly encourages it. Drawn To Life is an action-adventure platform game which allows children to truly express themselves. This game features a drawing tool which allows children different colours, brush types and stamps. This game allows for the ultimate artistic freedom. My recommendation for this one is Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter but if your child enjoys Spongebob, there’s a game for that, too.

5. SimCity(PC, Nintendo Wii/DS, Playstation, Apple Appstore, Google Play, Amazon Appstore)

An image of the mobile game, Simcity: Buildit

An image of the mobile game, Simcity: Buildit

SimCity is a game that allows children to build their own city. It starts out simple but evolves into a complex experience. This game teaches children concepts like city planning and about the environment(as well as natural disasters).

6. Minecraft(PC, Nintendo Switch, Apple AppStore, Google Play, Amazon Appstore, Playstation, Xbox)

A recent image of Minecraft

A recent image of Minecraft

No list like this would be complete without mentioning Minecraft. Minecraft is a famous game created by Mojang. The main “survival mode” teaches children how to survive the night by exploration, crafting and learning what they need as they go. However, it also features a “creative mode” to encourage children’s creativity skills by allowing them to create whatever they want using blocks. To top it all off, Minecraft can also teach children programming skills by allowing them to edit the game’s code so that they can create or change whatever they want!  

In short, video games can be truly educational and engaging at the same time. If your child is interested in video games, why don’t they try and create their own? Educademy offers free online Summer camps and courses about getting started on creating their own video games.

Author: Sophie Dillon

Video Game Camps This Summer For Kids Near You

Normally, parents don’t imagine that video games could be educational. Did you know that you can learn programming in a cool and creative way through the usage of video games? Educademy offers some amazing video game camps this Summer suitable for 7-16 year olds who want to learn coding while most importantly having fun! All of our Summer camps are available online and recorded.

Image credit: Scratch Google Play Store

Image credit: Scratch Google Play Store

1. Educademy’s Scratch Courses

Scratch is known as a block-based language allowing younger people new to programming learn to code simply through a usage of commands. Our introduction to scratch course offers a light and colourful approach to an otherwise complex topic. We offer a beginner-friendly course to people aged 7-9 or alternatively 10-12 which provides a suitable foundation to our intermediate Scratch course of covering animation and game development. We also provide a free 60-minute sample trial for BOTH of these courses - see more here.

2. Educademy’s Python Courses

Maybe your child already has knowledge of Scratch, and wants to convert to an actual programming language used everyday by experts. Or maybe your child wants to start off a little more advanced than usual? We also offer a Python course, of which the content shifts every week to cover a variety of different games in Python. We’ll offer a range of flexible arcade games to create like Pong or even your child’s own platformer game. All the while, they’ll be learning new computer logic and problem solving skills while having fun. Come along and try our Python course this Summer - book your free trial!

If your child has no knowledge of Python, we also offer an introduction to Python course which can be offered prior to this course. This course is based on gathering the necessary skills to truly understand and develop computer games within Python.

Image credit: Kart racing game in Unity/C#

Image credit: Kart racing game in Unity/C#

3. Educademy’s Unity/C# courses

Unity is a very popular game engine made for anyone to enjoy. Super Mario Run, Pokémon Quest, and Cooking Mama: Cookstar are all incredibly popular examples of what can be developed in Unity. Our experienced utors offer an incredibly friendly and insightful experience into what seems to be a challenging game engine. In addition to this - Unity is in 3D. How cool is that? We also offer a beginner Summer camp course for Unity 3D and an intermediate course who want to learn even more C# to experience Unity’s full potential.

Here are some official images of amazing video games made in Unity(Ori and the Blind Forest, Super Mario Run, Pokémon Quest, Cooking Mama: Cookstar):

Why should my child get into video game development?

  • Video game developers can get paid up to £65,000.

  • Your child can get paid to do what they love. Video game development combines creativity with logical thinking so they can truly experience the best of both worlds.

  • A growing industry. The video game industry is dynamic and is constantly changing. The industry shows no signs of fading anytime soon!

  • More than just entertainment. Did you know that the army uses virtual reality exposure therapy to help their soldiers, or that virtual reality technology is often used in healthcare to help train doctors and nurses? Although entertainment may be one reason, you’re truly making an impact on the world with this industry.

Why choose Educademy?

Why not try one of our camps today? Use code SD-QCNQ-Z87X-SU20 for 20% off!

Author: Sophie Dillon

10 video game facts you probably didn't know

Do you love video games? Of course, you do! Well now is your chance to catch-up on 10 unique video game facts which you might have not known to show off to your friends, or possibly needed in the next video game inspired trivia quiz you do on Buzzfeed!

Tetris GameBoy version

Tetris GameBoy version

1. The first video game in space

The first video game played in space was the Game Boy version of tetris. In 1993, Tetris traveled aboard a Soyuz TM-17 rocket to the MIR Space Station, where it was played by the Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr A. Serebrov. The game was sold at auction for $1220 later.



2. The first version of Minecraft was created in just six days

In 2009, the Swedish programmer, Markus Persson (also called “Notch”), set out to create a sandbox game which allows free and organic exploration in the virtual world. Initially, the game was called “Cave Game” before quickly being renamed “Minecraft”. The game was created in six days, from 10 May 2009 to 16 May 2009. The very first alpha version was released the next day!

Concept Xbox

Concept Xbox

3. Xbox was nearly called the DirectX Box

When the first Xbox was being discussed, Microsoft was going to name the console DirectX Box, named after the DirectX team. The console was initially going to be a silver X with a PC board inside and a hidden Windows OS. The name was eventually dropped to the name we know today, Xbox.

Infinity blade

Infinity blade

4. Fortnite had to remove a weapon as it was too powerful

The Fortnite creator, Epic, had to remove a ‘mythic’ weapon in 2018 called the Infinity Blade because it was too powerful. The item gave players unprecedented mobility, the ability to nearly one-hit any other opponent, and the ability to break down any player-built structure, all while restoring a significant chunk of the player’s health back with each kill. Let's hope Epic doesn't make the mistake again.

Playstation 2 Startup Screen

Playstation 2 Startup Screen

5. PlayStation 2 startup screen

If you have ever had, or even just played, a PlayStation 2 you might remember the seemingly random blocks and towers when turning on the console. Well, this actually represents your game progress. The more you play and save your game, the taller the blocks and towers appear. The towers represent the game, and the longer you play the taller they get. The blocks represent saved data.



6. The creepers, in Minecraft, began as a coding error

One of the most popular mobs in Minecraft, the creeper, actually started as a coding error. Persson didn’t actually design the monster but was actually set out to create a pig; However, he accidentally switched figures for desired height and length when inputting the code. The result is the mob we know and love.

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

7. World of Warcraft pandemic

In the MMORPG World of Warcraft, there was a virtual pandemic which began on September 13th 2005 and lasted for one week. It started by accident due to an oversight by the developers. The epidemic began with the introduction of the new raid Zul'Gurub and its end boss Hakkar the Soulflayer. When confronted and attacked, Hakkar would cast a hit point-draining and highly contagious debuff spell called "Corrupted Blood" on players. The spell, intended to last only seconds and function only within the new area of Zul'Gurub, soon spread across the virtual world by way of an oversight that allowed pets and minions to take the affliction out of its intended confines. This resulted in changes in normal gameplay for a while until the pandemic was able to be controlled by the developers.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog

8. Sonic the Hedgehog is inside all of us

A gene and protein that separates your right brain from the left, and determines you have two eyes is called sonic hedgehog. The name was not inspired by the video game but in fact a comic-book series. A British post-doc named Robert Riddle drew inspiration from a Sonic comic his 6-year-old daughter was reading. The gene appropriately has a spiky appearance. 



9. The Enderman language, in Minecraft, is actually English in reverse or pitched down

One of the most haunting Minecraft species is the Enderman. Their speech is nearly impossible to understand with the human ear, however, most of its speech is, in fact, English words and phrases played backwards or lowered in pitch. So next time you play Minecraft why not try to translate some!

FIFA 2001 - Smell the Pitch disk

FIFA 2001 - Smell the Pitch disk

10. Games that had a smell

The UK version of FIFA 2001 and Gran Turismo 2 shipped with “scratch and sniff” discs. If you scratched FIFA's disc, you would “smell the pitch”. Rubbing Gran Turismo 2’s disc would deliver the authentic smell of a “pit-stop”.

Do you want to make your very own games?

Join us on one of our Online Summer Coding Camps for Kids and Teens to learn how to make your very own game in various programming languages













Author: Robert Nimmo

The growth of the game industry

Image Credit: Newzoo

Image Credit: Newzoo

When somebody talks about the industry of entertainment, most individuals think straight away about the movie industry and the music industry. Numerous individuals watch the Oscars, Grammys, Golden Globes, MTV Video Music Awards, etc. 

Of course, there's an undeniable charm within the film and music industries. But would you be shocked to find out that these two are not the top-grossing sectors in entertainment? As a matter of fact, these two put together can’t even match half the revenue the video game industry is earning. Concurring to the most recent figures, the video game commerce is presently bigger than both the motion picture and music businesses combined, making it a major industry in entertainment. This year, the worldwide video game industry is esteemed at least US$152.1 billion from 2.5 billion gamers around the world. By comparison, the worldwide box office industry was worth US$41.7 billion whereas worldwide music incomes come to US$19.1 billion in 2018.

Consider the top blockbuster movie to date, Avengers: Endgame. When it premiered on April 16, it raked in over US$858,373,000 during its opening weekend. It even surpassed last year's Avengers: Infinity War, which generated US$678,815,482 in gross revenue.

In any case, while these movies got so much consideration and appreciation from the overall population, they still couldn’t beat the highest-grossing entertainment launch in history, Grand Theft Auto V’s release back in 2013, which earned US$1 billion in just over three days.

More fame doesn’t mean, all things considered, greater profits.

The game industry can be arranged into three principle classes – PC, mobile, and console gaming. Portable gaming, which incorporates smartphone and tablet gaming, is the biggest sector, representing US$68.5 billion of the complete evaluated income this year, up by 10.2 percent from 2018.

Image Credit: Newzoo

Image Credit: Newzoo

Console gaming is evaluated to create US$47.9 billion in incomes, up 13.4 percent from a year ago, while PC gaming is seen gaining US$35.7 billion, up 4 percent.

Portable gaming is relied upon to take up 59 percent of the worldwide game market by 2021, while console and PC gaming will have 22 percent and 19 percent individually. Plainly, portable gaming has gone far since its introduction to the world in 1997 when the compelling Snake was pre-introduced in more than 400 million Nokia telephones.

Last but it least, we ought to mention E-Sports. E-sports means "electronic sports", a kind of competition that includes the utilization of computer games. An ordinary e-sports competition appears as multiplayer computer game rivalries between groups of expert gamers. The most widely recognized games played today are multiplayer online battle arena, first-person shooters, battle royales, and real-time strategy games. A couple of the most noteworthy and most prestigious e-sport competitions today are played in Dota 2, Fortnite, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, StarCraft II, and Overwatch. With its developing prevalence, e-sports has raised casual gaming into a competitive game of skills, strategy, and team play. Today, being a professional gamer can be a rewarding career as numerous competitions are being organized in different parts of the world and tens of thousands to millions of dollars being given away as prizes. The prize pool for the latest Dota 2 competition, for instance, came to over US$34 million

Gone are the days when gaming was only an activity to pass the time. The ascent of e-sports has radically changed the image, developing the gaming culture from a niche community to what is now something that millions of people watch like sports.

Is Coding Hard To Learn?


Often, people can be put off by programming because it can be too hard, requires too much persistence - or just is too new and scary. These are all perfectly reasonable things to be put off by, but coding is an amazing and rewarding skill. In this article, I’ll be covering why people shouldn’t be put off by coding.

“It’s too hard”

This is probably the most common excuse on why people don’t want to learn coding. At first, coding can appear hard, certainly. But most things can be hard at first. Learning a language could be hard at first if you don’t know the basics, similarly to riding a bike or learning mathematics. If you don’t know the basics, coding can be hard. Although it may take time and patience - once you get the basics down - it really is a rewarding experience.

“It requires too much persistence”

People mainly use this excuse as they genuinely believe that they cannot pursue anything that requires a lot of time. This simply isn’t true - this stems from a belief of self-doubt that people cannot do something.

For example, imagine that a child liked a video game. They may be completely new at a video game, but continued playing it regardless as that video game was their passion.

Imagine coding like this but rather than this, it is a passion that is developed over time rather than instantaneously. Everyone starts somewhere and if you continuously pursue coding and work at it, you will undeniably get better and better at it.

“It’s too new and scary”

Most skills are going to be new and scary. No one is going to be good at coding overnight - it is something learnt all the time. Although it might sound intimidating, and sound as if it’s only for naturally logic-based thinkers, this simply isn’t true. Why not try one of our courses and see what you’re capable of?

Beginner Friendly Languages

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Some languages can be quite hard and off-putting due to the complexity of each respective language. Such examples include C, C++, etc. Some beginner friendly languages include:

  • Scratch! When you think of a programming language, Scratch may not necessarily be the first thing that comes to mind. However, Scratch is most definitely the beginner-friendly programming language out there, at least when it comes to children. It works on the principles of “block-based programming”, where you may not necessarily be directly writing code, but you’re learning the fundamental logical thinking behind learning code.

  • Python! Python is recommended as an introductory language for lots of people. The simplified syntax is similar to the English language. This code can also be executed a lot faster.

  • Javascript! If you’ve ever been interested in web development, we offer a beginner-friendly and welcoming course for Javascript. This is a highly flexible language and would be welcoming for 11 years old onwards.

If you’re interested in any of these languages, we offer a wide range of introductory courses for these languages from the most friendly tutors. If this strikes you and £180 seems too pricey, use code SD-QCNQ-Z87X-SU20 for 20% off!