
Raspberry Cream Pi Day

Raspberry Cream Pi Day is celebrated tomorrow, the first of August. The day celebrates creating your own raspberry cream pie. The day is celebrated in Summer as that is when raspberries are most commonly in season. A raspberry pie to us though means much more than a delicious dessert. We also love a Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi

First released in 2012, a Raspberry Pi is a small single-board computer which was developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in the United Kingdom. The project aim was to promote the teaching and learning of basic computer science in schools. The Raspberry Pi overachieved its goal and is used in fields such as robotics because of its small form factor. It also features everything you would find on a normal computer but much smaller. The latest iteration, The Raspberry Pi 4 features a processor upgrade along with 4 USB ports, 2 Micro HDMI ports and up to 8 GB of RAM.


What can it do?

A Raspberry Pi is just as robust as a regular PC, however, offers advantages because of its size. Many use the Raspberry Pi for projects that need a server or a PC to always be on. As the Pi has such small size the power draw is minimal, making it quite effective for permanent running.

Network Ad Block

Some projects include setting up an ad blocker for your entire home network. This is a great use of the Raspberry Pi as you can even filter out malicious content without needing software installed on any devices connected to it. Nicknamed the Pi-hole, it works by acting as a private DNS server. Essentially it checks if a website is an ad and then blocks it.

Minecraft Server

You can host your very own Minecraft server at home, and even have friends connect to it. The Raspberry Pi has the processing power capable to handle a small number of people and can be left running all the time. Your main PC will not even have to be powered on for friends to be able to connect. This makes the Raspberry Pi a great option instead of renting a Minecraft Realm with monthly recurring costs.

Make a Web Server

The Raspberry Pi can be used to create and host your own website. You can keep it local to your network or share it with the world. Here’s a quick example website that was build using HTML and CSS. You could also add more interactive elements using JavaScript, which we teach in our JavaScript camp.

Overall, the Raspberry Pi offers a great range of features that range from a standard pc to much more specific uses such as robotics. A Raspberry Pi is a great learning device and along with our JavaScript and Web Development camp your child will be able to create much more.

Celebrating Girls in Technology

Image credit: Tumisu on Pixabay

Image credit: Tumisu on Pixabay

In 2019, Wired reported that only 17% of coders were women. In the UK, women make up only 15% of coders. It’s time to closer the gender gap in coding and celebrate what women are capable of. Without women, we wouldn’t have made so much progress within the field of technology. In this article, I’ll be covering some examples of inspirational role models for younger girls to look up to.

An image of Ada Lovelace

An image of Ada Lovelace

1. Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace is regarded as one of the world’s first computer programmers. She worked closely with Charles Babbage, a Mathematics professor at the University of Cambridge. Babbage invented the Analytical Engine while Lovelace published the first computer algorithm. She is thought of as one of the first people to realise the potential of computers.

An image of Grace Hopper

An image of Grace Hopper

2. Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper was an an American mathematician, rear admiral in the U.S. navy - and also a Computer Scientist after working on the Harvard Mark I. This was an early protocomputer built during the second world war. In computing, the term “bug” is relatively common. Grace Hopper actually coined this term after a moth got into the circuits of the Harvard Mark I referring to computer failures. In additon to this, Grace along with her team also developed the first compiler - something which converts our language into machine code. She often said that she wanted to the 1st January, 2000, to see how far computers could come.

An image of Margaret Hamilton

An image of Margaret Hamilton

3. Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton was the director of software engineering at NASA which landed astronauts on the moon. She was responsible for creating code which would be added to the Apollo’s computer. Not to mention that Margaret was also a full-time mother to a daughter called Lauren. She later went on to find two companies and receive a Presidental Medal of Freedom from President Obama.

Really, this only scrapes the surface of what girls are capable of programming within technology. Why not get your daughter into coding? There are so many reasons to:

  • Higher than average salary. Research suggests that women in technology can earn up to 35% more than average for girls.

  • Increased ability to problem solve analytically and creatively. Coding in general can not only help to improve mathematical skills but also to develop their own problem solving abilities.

  • Becoming a role model for others. Like Grace Hopper, Margaret Hamilton and Ada Lovelace, why doesn’t your daughter become an inspirational role-model for other girls? There are so many opportunities to make a difference nowadays whether that be girls making their own business, developing applications in healthcare or working at big companies like Google or Apple.

Educademy offers a variety of courses, not just for girls, but for every child alike. We ensure that no child gets left behind. If you’d like your daughter to get into coding and make a difference in the world but don’t know where to start - check out our courses! We also offer free trials if you aren’t sure.

Author: Sophie Dillon

Is Minecraft suitable for 7-year olds?

Minecraft has become one of the best-selling and most popular video games ever released, but is its content appropriate for 7-year olds?

In Europe the age rating is determined by PEGI, according to which Minecraft is rated 7+. This can be considered a first answer to our question, but let us discover more about Minecraft!

Image credit: Pinterest

Image credit: Pinterest

What’s really enthralling about Minecraft is its sandbox style featuring building blocks in an open world, which can be explored and where children can craft items and create anything they want.

Minecraft also has several game modes, which let you choose between single player, local multiplayer and remote multiplayer [1]. This means that you can switch from a world generated on the device you only are playing on, to the two multiplayer mode, which can be hosted on either your own device or on a remote public server.
While the local multiplayer mode is relatively safe, as players are on the same network and probably in the same building, playing Minecraft on a public server can be dangerous, since that is where people who put at risk children’s safety target their victims.
Therefore, the basic single player mode or the local gameplay should be the default option for your kids, but if you are letting them play online, set up a child account, disable messaging and check out the server before they access it.

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However, as a game containing also a survival mode (on top of the creative and adventure modes), it often requires collaboration between players, allowing kids to develop teamwork and social skills [2]. For this reason, Minecraft is one of the best video games for learning, even used by schools as an education tool, thus representing a great opportunity for you children to learn how to code.

Author: Ludovica Maria Golia

Minecraft: your kid's gateway to learn how to code by gaming

Hogwarts castle from the Harry Potter saga built in Minecraft. Image credit: Microsoft \ The Floo Network

Hogwarts castle from the Harry Potter saga built in Minecraft.
Image credit: Microsoft \ The Floo Network

Microsoft’s world-building game Minecraft is one of those games you start playing to…never stop! It is a game in which players build, create and go on adventures in a place entirely made of blocks. Most especially, Minecraft contains very little violence, since the main focus of the game is designing original constructions, in this way developing problem solving, visuospatial and analytical skills, as well as teamwork skills, supporting collaboration through its multiplayer mode [1], [2]. Minecraft also takes into account of security online with participation of moderators that control the situation and can help out. It really is one of the most popular games and although parents may feel like the hours spent on any video game are just a waste of time, it is important to realise the enormous educational value intrinsic to Minecraft, which is not only able to encourage children to be creative and to use their imagination, but it can also teach them the basics of coding [3]. As the associate professor of Library Science at Purdue University and fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University Rey Junco says, “I like to talk about with our kids that we like to let them get bored so they can be more creative and they can do that on Minecraft because there aren't the limits on their space or time that are out there in the real world”.

Super Mario game built in Minecraft. Gif credit: GIPHY

Super Mario game built in Minecraft.
Gif credit: GIPHY

Enhancing the Minecraft code by what are referred to as “mods” (short for modifications) allows for a variety of game-play changes. These are strings of code that modify the game, making it easy to personalise the gaming experience, as well as teaching how to manipulate and create code for other games [4]. In fact, Minecraft is written in Java, which being very straightforward is one of the most famous programming languages. Minecraft also allows for implementations to be added immediately to the code. In this way, the program and the game can be run simultaneously, allowing to see the adjustments to the game in real-time.

An example provided by of how Minecraft can teach how to code in a fun and entertaining way.
Video credit:

There is also Minecraft Education Edition, a version of the game that was especially developed for use within a classroom to teach kids how to code. As such, it features blocks specifically designed for coding, involving tutorials and basic instructions. The educational adaptation of Minecraft transforms separate blocks of code into actions, coming across as a very easy approach to the art of programming, which is the same method used in the course on Scratch programming language offered by Educademy.

Author: Ludovica Maria Golia

Top 3 Coding Languages for primary school Kids 2020

Programming is becoming more and more important, with technology progressing at incredible rates programming has become an essential skill. Programming is very simple to learn and can be as easy as putting together jigsaw pieces. Learning a programming language is not only a great skill to have but it also improves other areas such as problem-solving. So here are the top 3 languages for kids to learn.

1 - Scratch


Scratch is a free educational language that uses building blocks to create games. As a visual language Scratch is one of the easiest to pick up and learn. It takes 2 blocks to make a character walk but has the depth of a full programming language. Scratch is a great first step in the world of programming and creating games as it teaches basic concepts in a graphical way.

Creating games in scratch can be done all through a web browser so there is no need to download or set anything up. It takes 2 clicks to begin building a game in Scratch. It also comes with all the tools you need to build your first proper game, including an area to create your own characters to place in the game world.

2 - Python


Python is a great language to learn, it is a platform to begin text-based coding. Python offers a language that is simple enough that is quick to understand but complex enough that many games and apps can be developed.

Python teaches programming fundamentals meaning that your child will learn how to use different data structures such as lists and tuples, along with understanding variables, loops and conditional statements. This is why Python is one of the most popular languages for children to learn first.


3 - JavaScript


JavaScript got popular with the advent of modern web browsers and probably forever it will remain linked to the web. JavaScript may be a little bit more difficult to learn, than Python. However, it’s appeal to children is the ability to create your own dynamic pages - they can code a game or a funny app that runs directly in a browser. This allows children to easily share they work with they friends, adding to the many advantages of coding one extra - socialising. There is nothing better then the feel to be admired by your peers.

Best Online Coding Courses for Kids and Teens

Here at Educademy, we’re passionate about all things STEM. Our tutors are students studying at some of the best Universities in the UK, meaning our courses are some of the best out there. They’re all delivered online, meaning no matter where in the world you are we can teach you. Plus the courses are just a week long, so if you have other plans for your family in the Summer, we won’t get in the way! Kids are able to choose from a wide variety of courses depending on their skill level and age - whether you’re a complete novice or you’re looking to make some more complicated games, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and take a look at some of the best coding courses out there:

Best for: Beginners

Example of the fun that can be had with Scratch!

Example of the fun that can be had with Scratch!

  1. Introduction to Scratch

    This course is perfect for kids (as young as 7) who have never coded before. It introduces them to some of the fundamental concepts in coding (such as variables, control flow and for loops), in an easy to use, colourful, block programming language. In the space of a week, kids can go from not knowing what coding is, to creating racing games all by themselves! Plus, our tutors are always there to help so you’ll never be left behind.

  2. Introduction to Python

    For slightly older children who want to start making some more complicated programs, Educademy’s introduction to Python Course is perfect. For children aged 10 and upwards, this course introduces those who have never programmed before to one of the world’s most popular programming languages. If you’re thinking about studying Computer Science at University or maybe even working in the world of tech when you’re older, learning Python is a no-brainer. You’ll learn how to create interactive GUIs and make the most of Python libraries, all whilst learning one of the most in demand programming languages in the world.

  3. Introduction to C# and Unity

    Unity is widely used in the gaming industry to make many of the most popular games on the market. Some examples include Hollow Knight by Team Cherry and Assassin’s Creed Identity. Unity is based on the programming language C#, which is widely used outside of the gaming industry, so this course is not just for games makers. The course will walk students through the basics of Unity’s interface, and eventually students will either complete code written by our tutors, or write their own code from scratch.

Hollow Knight by Team Cherry has been one of the most popular Indie Games of the decade.  Image Credits: Steam

Hollow Knight by Team Cherry has been one of the most popular Indie Games of the decade.
Image Credits: Steam

Best for: Budding Game Developers

At Educademy, we use PyCharm to teach our Python courses. It’s an easy to use IDE, which highlights code and has a great auto-predict feature to make coding as simple as possible

At Educademy, we use PyCharm to teach our Python courses. It’s an easy to use IDE, which highlights code and has a great auto-predict feature to make coding as simple as possible

  1. Intermediate Scratch: Games and Animations

    Perfect for those who have already completed our Introduction to Scratch course, or for those who used Roblox and Scratch regularly at school, this course builds on students present knowledge, enabling them to create more complex games - for example, Flappy Bird! Each day in the course is structured in the form of a project; students will start the day learning about what they are going to build, and then throughout the course of their 3 hour lesson, they will build an entire game that they can then show off to their friends and family!

  2. Create Games with Python

    Building upon the skills learnt in our Introduction to Python course, this course introduces some more widely used libraries such as PyGame and Tkinter. Through working without our tutors and other students, children will learn fundamental concepts like lists, strings, if and while statements, and for loops, all while creating a variety of games. Some examples include a platformer game and space shooter game.

  3. Unity and C# Intermediate Games Development

    This course is ideal for those with a bit more knowledge of coding. At the start of the week, children are given a relatively easy project in which they will consolidate their prior knowledge of Unity and C#. The course slowly ramps up throughout the week, so by the end of the course, they will be creating a Sumo Wrestling game - the Sumo Wrestler has to beat of waves of enemies with increasing difficulty. There’ll be sound effects, power ups and much more!

Best for: Web Development

  1. Introduction to JavaScript and Web Development

    I think it’s fair to admit that most of us are completely and utterly dependent on the internet. We visit thousands of websites every year, yet if someone asked us to create one, most of us would probably be lost. This in JavaScript and Web Development aims to fix that! The course introduces complete novices to the way in which HTML, CSS and JavaScript interact to create beautiful, fully functioning websites. Perfect for kids aged 11+, by the end of the course children will be coding professional games like Flappy Bird from scratch.

Would you like to try one of these out?


Author: Richa Lad

What's in your computer: the essentials

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A computer is any machine able to store and process data by executing a set of arithmetic instructions given to it in a program [1]. Of course every computer has its own specific design depending on different brands, but the main components are standard and fundamental [2].

  • The case, which is the plastic box housing each of the following components listed below.

  • The Power Supply (PS) or Power Supply Unit (PSU) is a hardware (i.e. physical) element that supplies power to all other components.

  • The motherboard is a circuit board that makes the communication between components possible. This part of the computer allows for electrical signals to be exchanged in order to compose data.

  • The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or processor, which reads and processes data, thus doing the type of massive calculations needed to run a program: whenever a line of code is written, it has to be translated into assembly language, i.e. a language that can be easily understood by the processor. Basically, the CPU takes care of all the processes a computer has to deal with.

  • Hard Disk Drive (HDD), needed by computers to store their data. This is made of an actual disk with a large storage space, but the access to what is stored is really slow, which is why RAM is used.

  • Random Access Memory (RAM) stores the exact same kind of data as the HDD, but it sacrifices storage for instant accessibility.

  • The graphics card, which is responsible for generating high-end visuals, e.g. a game with 3D models, different angles and colours. It also is the component figuring out how it all is supposed to look on the monitor.

    Did you know that you could build your own laptop?

    Author: Ludovica Maria Golia

Which language should you learn in Secondary School?

When you are starting to learn a new programming language in secondary school, or possibly even your first programming language, it can be quite overwhelming with the number of options that you can choose from. There are loads of great options but they all do everything slightly different and have different features and abilities. This blog post should hopefully help you understand these differences so you can make the best choice for yourself!

Python Logo

Python Logo


One of the first languages which usually gets recommended to new programmers is Python, and there is a good reason for this. Python is a great bet if you are new to programming or have learnt Scratch previously, or even if you have experience in other languages. Companies like Google, Spotify and Amazon use Python on a daily basis for various projects. It has a simple and concise syntax, which helps you to learn to program using it faster! Python supports both Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming which allows you to learn two different styles of programming. There are loads of great libraries to use in Python which allows you to do a lot with a small amount of code. Due to Python's concise syntax, it is really great for learning Computer Science concepts as well. Python can be used to build games, websites, machine learning programs and mathematical models as well, so it has a lot of flexibility.

JavaScript Logo

JavaScript Logo


JavaScript is another great choice if you are new to programming. It’s the most popular programming language in the world according to GitHub and is used in most websites we visit, including this one! JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, Object-Oriented programming language. One of the best-known uses for the language is being the scripting language for Web pages. It controls the various behaviours of the web pages. By knowing JavaScript you can then use Node.js with a small learning curve. Node.js lets you code JavaScript outside the browser often for server-side scripting. Companies such as Microsoft, Netflix and PayPal use Node.js software on a daily basis, and many popular JavaScript libraries such as React, Vue and Angular use Node.js. Node.js can be used to build dynamic web pages and cross-compatible ios and Android apps.

C# Logo

C# Logo


C# is an Object-Oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. C# is a great language to learn to program using Object Oriented Principles. It is statically-typed, so the code is checked before it is turned into an application, which makes it easier to find errors. C# can be used to create almost anything but is particularly strong at building Windows desktop applications and games. It is most widely used to create games in the Unity Games Engine, which is the most popular game engine today! This makes C# a great language to learn if you have an interest in the game industry and want to develop your own games.

Hopefully, with this small guide, you can make the best informed decision for yourself and choose the language which is best for you.

Online Summer Coding Camps For Kids And Teens

If you would like to learn how to program in one of these languages join us in one of our Summer Camps.


Author: Robert Nimmo

Get your Kids Excited about Programming

Nowadays, everyone wants their kid to learn how to code. Considering that pretty much everything we do on a day to day basis somehow involves code, it’s a completely understandable desire. From scheduling a meeting on Zoom to sending a text to let your kid know you’re running late to pick them up from school, we are completely dependent on code, yet most of us don’t know how to write it! That’s basically like living in Spain your entire life without learning how to speak Spanish…

Image Source: AliExpress

Image Source: AliExpress

There in lies the issue: if I don’t know how to code, how am I supposed to teach my kid how to code? Surprisingly, you don’t really need a computer, or any knowledge of a programming language to help your kid learn to code, especially if they’re still very young. Sure, eventually if your child wants to delve deep into the world of programming (like making games or developing machine learning algorithms), they’ll have to pick up a computer and learn a programming language or two, but for now, we can teach the little ones the fundamental thinking behind all coding and all algorithms (and maybe even make it fun!).

The fundamental idea behind all algorithms and all coding is logical thinking - like a flow diagram. Take for example, the block shape sorter toy picture above. Your child will take a block, let’s say a cube, and try and push it through the circle-shaped hole in the box. Soon, they will realize it’s not going to fit, so they will try and push it through a different shaped hole in the box. Eventually, after several tries and several failed attempts, they will find the square shaped whole -success! You may not realize it, but this is essentially an algorithm - a set of instructions to figure out where the cube fits into the box.

The fundamental idea behind all algorithms and all coding is logical thinking

Now that you’ve seen that programming can be pretty simple to teach, here are some more fun ideas to get your toddlers thinking like a programmer:


1. Cook with them

A tasty algorithm

Cooking with your child can teach them they way an algorithm works - it’s basically following a set of instructions. Each step of the recipe is like a line of code, and the chef (in this case, your child), is the computer carrying out each line of code. The output is your delicious cookies!


For kids as young as 3 years old

This great little toy is perfect for getting your child excited about coding. Each part of the caterpillar is like a block of code, and your child gets to decide what order to put the blocks in. Once they’re done, they can watch it dance away. This is great because it teaches them about sequencing and ordering code.


Simone Giertz

The Queen of funny Robots

This is a great one to get your children excited about programming and STEM. Simone is a Swedish-American YouTuber and Inventor. Her videos delve into the design process - from coming up with an idea, planning the build, through to making and testing the final product. Some of her most recent inventions include turning a Tesla into a pick-up truck and a paper shredder that looks like a brain. Her videos are fun, colourful and exciting, and are likely to light a spark in your child’s imagination (and maybe even yours).

There are so many fun games, toys and YouTubers out there to teach children as young as three how to think like a programmer! Once they’re a bit older, if they’re still interested in coding and want to learn more, head over to our online camps and check out our Scratch courses. Scratch is a block programming language created by MIT, which is a great stepping stone to traditional programming languages like Python or JavaScript.

Image Credits in order:
Betty Crocker
Business Insider

Author: Richa Lad

Why Learn Coding?

In recent years, the term “coding” seems to be getting more and more popular. I don’t know about you, but at first, I didn’t really care much for coding. How wrong I was! In this blog post, I will cover what coding actually is, why you should care and what skills you can gain from it.

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What is Coding?
Imagine a blank slate but slowly that blank slate starts developing into anything you can imagine. Coding in simple terms is a way of telling computers what to do. Computer games like Minecraft run code to develop the world around them.

What Skills Can I Learn From Coding?

·       Creativity. You can develop anything you want, whenever you want and it’s completely up to you. Why not develop your own video game?

·       Mathematical skills. You may not realise it but as you’re coding, you’re picking up real experience that allows you to improve your mathematical skills without filling in sheets of equations.

·       Problem solving skills. Coding allows you to think logically by breaking down problems and developing your own ideas to solve them.

·       Determination and persistence! Coding at first can be a difficult jump but there really is no great accomplishment than having finally built your own program no matter how small it may be.

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So, What’s The Big Deal?

Coding really is in our future. Everything around us is ran by code and we don’t even realise it, even things we take for granted. Social media applications, websites, smartphones, video games have all been developed by humans using code. You can build whatever you want, and in general, computer programmers tend to earn a lot of money. Coding really is a valuable skill to have nowadays and there really is a big reward from learning it.

Where Do I Get Started?

Educademy run introduction courses to recommend starter programmer languages such as ‘Scratch’ and ‘Python’ targeted at a young audience and teenagers. Check out our Summer camp courses if you are interested in starting to code or create video games! Alternatively, check out some cool resources like or CodeCombat!