
Python - What Can I Actually Do?

Coding opens a door to a whole variety of things to do - companies like Google, Yahoo and NASA use Python, but what do they use it for? What real world things can you do with Python? In this article, I’ll be covering what amazing things that Python has to offer.

1. Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pis are mini, portable computers that allow for experimentation in coding. DIY projects such as a “magic mirror”, building a weather station or even a temperature log can be developed using this device. All of these projects can coded using Python!

2. Web Development

Web development is the process of building, creating, and designing websites for users. This consists of front-end development (which the user can see, such as what you’re reading right now) and back-end development(such as things interacting with a database). Python can essentially work in the background using website frameworks like Django and Flask to deal with database features, which makes it a suitable language for managing data from huge websites. For instance – the photo-sharing app Instagram uses the Django framework coded in Python.   

Image credit: Clement H

Image credit: Clement H

3. Python Code For “Bots”

Chatbots are commonly coded using Python. Chatbots are bots that can automate conversation or tasks on a chat application. For instance, Discord is a free chat application which people commonly use to communicate with each other online. Bot users can be programmed to perform tasks such as playing music or replying to a specific command. Without delving into too much theory, chatbots can lead onto the realms of artificial intelligence…

Image credit: Alexey Savchenko

Image credit: Alexey Savchenko

4. Game Development Using Python

Python is an ideal language for anyone learning to learn more about game development. Python’s easy syntax makes it an ideal language for beginners to learn how to develop games using libraries such as Pygame and Arcade. However, it definitely isn’t limited to beginners; popular games such as Mount & Blade, Civilization IV and Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines are all coded using Python. In fact, Educademy offers a course on game development in Python.

5. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence. Machine Learning can be defined as learning through experience. In fact, Python has a large machine learning community. Machine learning has already made an impact on the world! Kensci, a company located in Seattle, Washington, has used machine learning to predict illness and treatment to help clinicians and also helps predict population health risk. Additionally, It is also possible to track statistics of COVID-19 using machine learning. In the health sector, Python offers a variety of help in the medical community.

I have only briefly touched on the many possibilities that Python and coding can provide. There are so many ways that Python can be used whether it be personal usage, for entertainment or to even benefit the world. All in all, Python is a truly amazing language and one worth learning.

Author: Sophie Dillon

Why Is Python Called Python? 

Here's some Interesting facts about one of the world's most popular programming languages. 

A large portion of us coders have utilized the Python programming language regularly. On the off chance that you haven't coded in Python yet, I enthusiastically suggest you  invest some energy learning the essentials and afterward do your next programming task in Python. Python is one of the most well known programming languages out there. But have you at any point pondered in your Python programming life why Python is called Python and not P, P++ or P#?


The intriguing actuality is that the programming language Python was made by Guido van Rossum. While Guido van Rossum was implementing Python, he was additionally reading some released scripts from Monty Python's Flying Circus. In the event that you've never heard about Monty Python's Flying Circus previously, I'll give a quick outline and we can discover the reasons why Python is called Python. How about we investigate! 

Monty Python's Flying Circus is a BBC Comedy TV show from the year 1969. It is an exceptionally popular series. Python programming language is profoundly famous as well. As indicated by an ongoing Stackoverflow study, Python has overwhelmed Java in popularity. Python is a celebrated programming language since it is anything but difficult to learn and utilize. Furthermore there is an enormous number of libraries accessible that can be utilized in your projects today! A few programmers even believe it to be an absolute necessity to know this programming language. 

In the event that you read the Python documentation, you will see numerous references to the Monty Python Flying Circus: the documentation is littered with words like spam, eggs, lumberjack, knights, etc. 

Back to Monty Python, a portion of the coding community considers Monty Python to be an absolute must-see show. Why? Well, Monty Python is an incredibile, unique post-modern satire, unlike anything you've ever seen. The comedy is incredibly imaginative. It discusses everything. It probably won't be entertaining for everybody, especially people that don't expect the Spanish Inquisition, but I would definitely suggest to watch it. 


The Python programming language can be utilized to do any programming task, from DevOps to Data science tasks to solving complicated mathematical computations across distributed machines. It is an extraordinary language to build your projects.